torstai 11. kesäkuuta 2009

Silvercomet present proudly; a new SUPER PREMIOR

Now I've got a breeding who became for Super Premior - he's also the first breeding, who took this title in Tampere's cat show 17th of May.

Can I proudly present; a new Super Premior - Silvercomet Break My Heart, "Bastin". Bastin is a son of Vesku and Milli from "Love"- litter.

Thank very much to Jari and Terhi, Bastin's owners, to visiting cat shows with wonderful gentleman. Everything were really worth of Super Premior.

maanantai 20. huhtikuuta 2009

Viimeinen ilta pikkuisten kanssa...

(ONLY FINNISH, I'm sorry)

Tänään on haikeaa olla. Työstin pentukansioita valmiiksi sekä kokosin pentukassiin kaikenlaista herkkuja, leluja, yms. Huomenna yksi joukosta lähtee uuteen kotiin - loppuviikkoon mennessä pentueesta kolme ovat jättäneet synnyinkotinsa. On aina haikeaa kun vauvat lähtevät uusiin koteihin, mutta on ilahduttavaa tietää, että näitä odotellaan jo kovasti uuteen kotiin. Uskon, että vauvat tulevat saamaan paljon rakkautta ja huomioita uudessa kodissa, mikä on hyvä juttu, sillä ovatkin tottuneet saamaan ekstrahuomioita täälläpäin. :)

Huomenna Takun kanssa käydään rokotuksella ja sirutuksella, onkin pesueesta viimeisin, kuka lähtee rokotukselle; kaiki muut saivat tehosteen jo viime viikolla sirutuksen lisäksi. Takun kohdalla se ei ollut mahdollista sillä poika oli ab-kuurilla.

Kaikki pennut matkaavat eri suuntiin ympäri Suomea; Leevi Kuusamoon, Jade Kelloon, Tiku Karviaan ja Taku Espooseen. Vielä hurmuripoika-Elvis etsii omaa rakastettavaa kotia. Elvis on tällä viikolla jo luovutusiässä, rokotukset kunnossa, sirutettu ja madotettu kolmesti. Mikäli tunnet, että haluat tarjota kodin hurmuripojalle, kenellä on suuri ja viisas sydän, niin ota yhteyttä minuun spostilla tai tekstiviestillä, yhteydentiedot löytyvät kotisivultani.
Elvis on luonteeltaan vilkas, seurallinen, osaa ehdottomasti herättää huomioita näykkäisemällä pohkeita, mihin ehdottomasti reagoidaan aina täälläpäin kaappaamalla Elviksen syliin, missä hurmuripoika kehrää - luonnollisesti! Elvis on aina vastassa kun tulen kotiin, silloin on aina ihanaa palata kotiin kun tietää että Elvis on minua vastassa enonsa, Rikun, kanssa. Viihtyy myös todella hyvin Riku-enonsa kanssa sekä on valmis aina painimaan "aikuisten" poikien kanssa, eli Rikun ja Iken kanssa. Elvis on myös erittäin avoin ja kiintyy ihmisiin paljon, erityisesti on kiintynyt minuun; tulee aina viereeni nukkumaan jos oleskelen sohvalla. Vauvoista Elvis ja Leevi ovat hieman rauhallisempia verrattuna vilkkaisiin maaoraviin ja villikkotyttöön, Jadeen. Elvis etsii siis ensijaisesti rakastettavaa lemmikkikotia, mutta näyttelyttäminen ei ole mahdoton ajatus, Elvis ei ole vielä kypsynyt niin että menestyisi näyttelyissä kiitettävästi.

Kuljetus tarvittaessa Etelä-Suomeen onnistuu; olen menossa vapuksi Helsinkiin sekä viikolla 20 Tampereelle sekä 25.4 Helsinkiin. Eli välimatka ei ole esteenä. :)

Tässä viimeisiä yhteisiä hetkejä vauvojen kanssa, kuvat otettu tänään....

Taku nautiskelee emonsa, Helinän, kanssa kevätauringon lämmöstä
Suloinen Jade enonsa, Rikun, kanssa.

Kaikki sohvalla - ei jääkään tilaa minulle istuakseen!
Maaoravat (Tiku ja Taku) sylikkäin
Tawnypojat; Elvis & Leevi

Äiti ja tytär (Helinä ja Jade)


Viimeinen yhteispotreetti

Kolme kuukautta on mennyt aivan nopeasti, ei siitä ollut kauan kun avustin pikkuisia maailmaan ja olivat syntyessään ihan pieniä rääpäleitä. Nyt ovat jo isoja, valmiita maailmaan pelottomana. Täällä tulee sitten olemaan hiljaista kun vauvat lähtevät uuteen koteihin - varautukaa, etten kaappaa vauvoja jossain vaiheessa takaisin kotiimme mikäli hiljaisuus käy ylivoimaisesti!!! ;)

Meillä on seuraava pentue suunnitteilla loppukesäksi, kunhan Ike ensin kasvaisi hieman ja saavuttanut virallisen "naimaiän" (10kk) kesäkuussa, minkä jälkeen voisi järjestellä treffejä Millin ja Iken välille.

Löydätte meidät taas näyttelyistä - seuraavaksi suunnaamme PIROKiin toukokuussa neljän kissan voimin; Milli, Helinä, Ike ja Jade. Jade on siis sijoitustyttöni yhteisomistajuudessa Jaana Liukkosen kanssa. Siis yhteensä kaksi suklaata ja kaksi hopeatäplikkäitä. :) Pidän myös kovasti peukkuja jos oma kasvattini, Bastin (GIP Silvercomet Break My Heart) valmistuisi sunnuntaina Super Premioriksi PIROKissa.

Hauskaa kevään odotusta kaikille, täällä odotellaankin ilmojen lämpimästä innoissaan ja nautiskellaan auringonpaisteesta.

perjantai 27. maaliskuuta 2009

Something news from kittens :)

At this moment all cats enjoys for the sun of Spring on sofa. :) I cannot to update my blog for long time because I had problem with my PC - it wasn't working before now when I repaired it on yesterday. :( But now it's OK so I can now update my blog and to add more photos about kittens. :) They were grown up so fast, I cannot believe that they will full 9 weeks old on Sunday. Now it isn't any many days to the time when they will move to new homes, I know I will miss them very well when they will move to new home....:(

But, anyway, kittens got their names, the theme was jewels, of course.

Leevi; Silvercomet Granatus
Elvis; Silvercomet Amethyst
Tiku; Silvercomet Nephrite
Taku; Silvercomet Aquamarine
Jade; Silvercomet Rock Crystal

I must to say thanks to Jaana, who had very good ideas for kitten's name. :)

Kittens visited on Wednesday in veterinary to having their the first vaccination. Kittens were very curious there and they cannot to be slowly when veterinary researching kittens, they only to want to looking new place and running around on table. I must to proud from kittens, they were so lovely and curious in veterinary, almost it was weird place to kittens but they don't mind about this - they wanted only to researching a new place. :) Kittens' weight are now over 1 kg what is very excellent weight to kittens if we'll see how old they're now.

All kittens are very wild - especially Jade and Tiku&Taku are very wild than tawny boys are a bit peaceful than three kittens. Usually they will run around my home with adult cats, especially with Iceman and Riku. I will playing usually at evening with cats and kittens, they love it very much. :) Tiku and Taku are similar twins, I must to say it! It's very difficult to see both is Tiku or Taku, but I can to see different but Jukka, my boyriend, and another people cannot to say both is both. ;) Tiku and Taku enjoys very very much for togehter so it would be very great if both boys will find a home, where they can live togehter if it's possible.

Three kittens from the litter are still looking for a new home. Elvis, very pretty and who has very wonderful temperament and the lovely and sociably and lovely chipmunks, Tiku and Taku, are also looking for a new home with Elvis. If you're interesting to offer a lovely home to somebody, let me know by email so I can tell more about the boys. :) You can find my email address from my homepage;

I see the Spring came to Oulu, too. All my cats and kittens enjoys for sun usually on sofa when the sun raise. It is also very lovely when we have, at finally, sun here - the winter of North Finland can be very long without sun and it makes me something very crazy, too.

But now it's time to adding some PHOTOS!!!!:-)

Jade princess

The boys and Iceman

Eating..eating with Riku...


Riku and Tiku
Elvis and Tiku
Leevi and Jade

Jade and Elvis

sunnuntai 8. maaliskuuta 2009

Kittens 6 weeks old

Kittens are now 6 weeks old - and we noticed it really - they became more wild from day to days... Now in this time kittens are running around on our living room and kitchen - Ike and Riku are also running with kittens. :)

Almost they're so wild now, I see they had inherited their temperament from their mom, who is also very wild. But kittens are also very sociable; they like to be with us, for example on our lap to sleeping or playing. Their weight are now between 660- 830g.

Jade and Leevi are now reserved. Jade will move to family Liukkonen, who lives in near city. Jade is also my cat with co-owner. She's really beautiful girl with childlike look which is very lovely. Leevi found his a new home from Kuusamo, where he will move on April. Tiku, Taku - chocolate spotted males and Elvis, tawny spotted male, are still available now. If you're interesting to offer very wonderful and sweet home to kitten, send me email or SMS. :) You can find my number or email address from my homepage under "Yhteystiedot" or "Contacts".

I visited in Tampere on this week - I met also my breedings there - they're REALLY big males now! I met there Herkules (Silvercomet Ayrton Senna, OCI b 24), who lives with Terhi Leponiemi. Herkules is very lovely boy who has big ego. ;) He's very muscular boy with very lovely wild look. He's looking still lovely ocifemales to having a romantic dating with beautiful ocifemales.
Bastin (GIP Silvercomet Break My Heart, OCI ns 24) and Odin (Silvercomet Peter Pan, OCI n 24) live with Jari Malkamäki. I cannot to believe how BIG Odin is now - I saw him on November 2008, he was little but now...when I came to Jari's home, I can only to open my mouth when I saw Odin! He's big and very masculine! Odin filled 10 months 5.3. so he can to looking also girlfriends. ;) He was waiting it very well, too. ;) Bastin is very lovely boy, who always likes very much if I come to visit to Jari's home - he knows I will play lot of with him and giving many kisses. ;) It was also very lovely when the boys came to sleeping with me - I cannot to move over because one of boy slept on right and another again on left. =) But it was very worth of everything. :) It was really nice journey, I saw three very wonderful boys. I put also some photos from lovely boys there with photos of kittens.

BTW, our breeding, IC Silvercomet Lady Diana, OCI b 24, was BIS female on today!!!!I'm so proud! :) She lives in Rollick cattery. Unforgettable Vaino's (IC Silvercomet John Wayne, OCI bs 24) son, Riddle Long John, OCI o 24, was also BIS kitten today!!! :) These were very news to me. :)

sunnuntai 22. helmikuuta 2009

Kittens 4 weeks old

Our lovely kittens are now 4 weeks old. I must to share these cute photos with you:

Kittens are fine - they're very bold, curious and loves people very much, they like usually come to my lap to sleep when I'm sitting on floor to playing with kittens. I noticed yesterday when Jade walked and started to eat food and at night I gave food to kittens; Jade, Leevi and Elvis started to eat but the brothers of chipmunks (Tiku and Taku) maybe think that their mom's milk is still better to brothers. :)

Kittens are now over 500 g - it's a good weight for 4 weeks old. I'll also to deworm kittens today evening the first time, let's see is it difficult to do. ;) But, anyway, I can only to wonder how sociable and very bold kittens are - when we have guest, kittens want to see who came and sitting on their lap and looking these with cute eyes. I see they were develpompent so fast and very well. I can now see someone's characteristic with kittens, it's interesting. :) But everybody are so lovely, I must only to say it.

I'm thinking still what like names I'll register to kittens - I usually give some theme to everybody litters, I was thinking to give "Jewels" - theme, it sounds now for good idea, but let's see. I try to looking to lovely names to everyone lovely kittens.

Now I put some photos for everyone kitten to show to you. :)
"Tiku" - chocolate spotted male

"Leevi" - tawny spotted male

"Elvis" - tawny spotted male

"Taku" - chocolate spotted male

"Jade" - ebony silver spotted female

Lot of were aksing are kittens available - they're still available, but the statute could change as soon as possible, I put of course the statues into my kitten corner if someone kitten is reserved and if someone doesn't. So I recommend to following my homepage, especially kitten corner. :)

Now I will stop and going to sitting under with kittens in living room. :)